Part 123: Virgin Forest 1
EponymousMrYar posted:
The only time I used Debug was to get 2 of Feena's skills because AHAHAHAHA I am not casting Snooze that much. Still there's a lot of stuff I didn't know was there! I'll have to poke around a bit one of these days.
I've done it once. Not too keen on having to do it again, but I am still trying to cling to any shred of legitimacy I can for this LP.
Speaking of....
Welcome back!
We've farted around long enough; time to get back into the game.

One thing this game does well is make the various locations distinct from one another. Even though the foliage here resembles that of the Valley of the Flying Dragon, the terrain is different enough to make it stand out.

Or maybe I'm just plant-ist and they all look the same to me.

Seriously, he's just been staring at that flower since he stepped off the boat.


Nope, I will never get tired of Justin puffing out his chest, either.

Hmm. Hitting up the Stashing Place might be a good idea right about now. Thankfully, we can still head inside the Sea Dragon to use the one there.

Um... Justin? That... that's not how doors work. Or walls, for that matter.

Anyway, we stash the Vaccines to free up some space, and swap out the accessories they've got for these Crescent Jades, dropped from ghosts way back in Dom.
Why yes, enemies here like to use status effects. How ever did you guess?
Speaking of enemies....

I... am not much a fan of the new battle theme.
Anyway, Land Slugs are assholes. They can use Curl Gas to inflict poison in an area, and like to defend, which makes them immune to physical attacks. As such, they pretty much force you to waste MP to splat their asses.
Which I am all too happy to do, given that Justin a) has Tremor and b) still needs more earth XP.

The other enemy type in this dungeon is the Sweet Moth here. They come in groups of four, tend to cluster together tightly, and can inflict Confuse with their Sonar attack.

Back on the map, the venus flytraps here... well, they do exactly what you'd expect them to do. Step on them and they close on you, dealing damage.

Ahh, finally, Justin hits Earth 7. Combined with his six levels of Fire, he rounds out his level 1 spell list with BOOM!.

And this beauty.
So, to briefly recap why having an all-hitting explosionsword is so crazy-broken, recall that fire levels boost wit, which makes your turns come up more frequently, and that earth magic boosts strength, which makes you hit harder. Combine that with the weapon levels you'll be getting, and yeah.
Naturally, having something so brokenly useful would defeat the point of a challenge run, so I'll be saving it for flashy boss kills.

There's some plants we haven't seen before.

Yep, still maze-like. But the true horror lies at the end of the first area.

I bet Feena's the type to keep notes of NPCs and quest hooks when she plays RPGs, too.

At least the rabbit stereotype is easier to laugh about.

And he literally herds us into his tent.
Remember this, by the way. It's going to factor into a dick move later.

Yay, question time.

Justin has to be himself to get into Alent? Oh no, the only path into the city is going to be blocked by statues, isn't it?

You know you've been watching too much Cinema Sins when your reaction to this is "Guido plays the pronoun game so that Feena has to ask what they're looking for."

This is where you wind up after listening to all three choices.

Hey, it doesn't count as abusing free healing if it's impossible to avoid.

All right, back to the fore-

Oh, fuck you.

You can talk to him again, where he allows you to rest and/or save.
And yes, of course the greedy motherfucker charges you to rest in his tent. Only 10G, at least, but that's still 10 more than literally any other save point or inn in the game.
Now, your last chance to spend money before this point is in Dight, and the Grinwhale drops 6000, so it's impossible to have less than 100 at this point. But what if you did? Say, by using the debug menu?

Yeah, no, fuck Guido forever.
See you next time!